Knee Ligament Surgery
I was in third grade, and this was my big debut. I had a solo part in our Christmas concert and I was pretty nervous, to say the least. As my fellow classmates and I started singing, I knew my part...
View ArticleMake No Bones About It
Make no bones about it, orthopedics is a developing and evolving field of medicine. New techniques and advanced materials for joint replacements means that procedures are being done in younger...
View ArticleAsk a Doctor
Medical information provided as a community service by Brigham City Community Hospital. This column was written by Vikas Garg, M.D., a pain management specialist practicing at Brigham City Community...
View ArticleIs Getting My Knee Replaced Safe?
You’ve decided to get that pesky knee replaced…good for you! It’s been hurting and keeping you from doing the things you love for some time now. We’re pretty confident that you’ll enjoy your new knee,...
View ArticleShoulder Soldier: Recovering from Arthroscopy Shoulder Surgery
Arthroscopy shoulder surgeries are very common at Brigham City Community Hospital and at most hospitals. In fact, more than 1.4 million shoulder arthroscopies are performed worldwide each year. And...
View Article8 Tips to Prevent Joint Injury
You wake up to see the sun barely shining through the curtains. It’s still early, which means the streets will be quiet and uncrowded. You lace up your running shoes as you sit on the front porch. The...
View ArticlePlacating Painful Joints
It’s morning. You groan as you slowly sit up, swing your feet to the side of the bed and take that first painful step. With each sore stride, you’re constantly reminded of the days when you used to...
View ArticleLifestyle Tune-ups to Prevent Arthritis
There’s a reason car manufacturers tell you to change your oil often. (And it’s a different reason than oil companies have for telling you the same thing.) It’s simple: Metal, rubbed against metal,...
View ArticleDo You Knee-d that Surgery?
Do You Knee-d that Surgery? Pain makes it hard to function and hard to focus. Whether it’s your knee, back, shoulder, hip or somewhere else, it’s hard to be in pain all the time. Orthopedic medicine...
View ArticleGetting Hip with Arthroplasty
Arthro…what? The term arthroplasty may not be as familiar to you as the term “total joint replacement,” but they are related. Total joint replacement is a very common form of arthroplasty, but partial...
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